14 Feb 2023


In this update:


1) FLS purchase timber yard and slipway in Market Road, Brodick. 

2) Freight specific sailings on Calmac.

3) Further update on our communications with our elected representatives.

4) Invitation to meet Katy Clark MSP on Friday 24th February 1pm.


FLS purchase timber yard and slipway in Market Road, BrodickWe understand that the timber yard and export facility and slipway on Market Roadat Brodick previously owned by John Thomson Limited has been sold to Forestryand Land Scotland (FLS).This is encouraging news and may be a signal that FLS has taken heed of theconsiderable community concern regarding their purchase in 2022 of WhitefieldFarm at Kings Cross. Continuing the exports of Arran timber from Brodick wouldavoid enormous environmental damage at King’s Cross as a result of creating a newtimber export yard there. The alternative of the large development at Whitefield Farmwould mean huge additional public expenditure to re-develop the site, as well as theruin of a tranquil area of farmland and coastal fringe overlooking Lamlash Bay andHoly Isle that is much valued by residents and visitors.We believe that the completion of the purchase of the timber yard significantlystrengthens the argument for continuing with the status quo for exports of felledtimber from the island, and we would welcome confirmation from FLS that thedevelopment at Whitefield Farm is now unnecessary as FLS intends to continue toexport timber via Brodick via the existing yard and/or Calmac ferry. We have writtento FLS to ask them what the implications are of this most recent purchase, inparticular how this impacts on their purchase of Whitefield Farm.We understand that the timber export facility on Market Road in Brodick has beenworking below capacity for the last few years and we believe that all the timber dueto be harvested from Arran can continue to be exported from Brodick either via theyard or via a combination of the yard and Calmac ferry.We await further confirmation from FLS of their intentions for both the purchase ofWhitefield Farm on King's Cross and the timber yard and current export facility inBrodick, and we note that there might be further opportunities for FLS to purchaseadditional neighbouring land at Market Road if that is needed to expand the existingfacility. We would encourage FLS to explore such options.

Freight specific sailings on CalmacWe are also heartened by the recent Calmac initiative of offering freight only ferryservices to Troon using the MV Hebridean Isles. While this is a temporaryarrangement for now, freight specific services seem an eminently reasonable andeconomical method of transporting large commercials on and off the island, includingtrailer loads of timber direct to the sawmill at Troon using an island haulier. Weunderstand that transporting timber via trailer is the most cost effective method asthe timber logs need only be loaded and unloaded once. We hope that Calmac canwork with the local community to continue freight specific services for the benefit ofthe island as a whole.Further update on our communications with our elected representativesWe have been in contact with our MSPs: Katy Clark, Jamie Greene and KennethGibson, to inform them of the community concerns regarding the FLS plans atWhitefield. We are pleased to advise that all have been most supportive of theCommunity position, ie that the status quo for timber exports via Brodick shouldcontinue and that there is no wider community benefit in ruining Whitefield Farm andthe tranquillity and spectacular natural environment of King’s Cross.

Invitation to meet Katy Clark MSP on Friday 24th February 1pmWe are delighted to report that Katy Clark MSP is returning to Arran on Friday24th February for meetings with constituents.She intends to come to King’s Cross to see the area around Whitefield Farm forherself, and would be pleased to meet any of us who wish to discuss the FLS plansfor the farm with her.She will be here on King’s Cross from around 1pm – could you RSVP to let usknow if you wish to come along and meet her? Once we know how many peopleare interested, we will contact you again to let you know when and where.Our objective is to continue to press the case that Whitefield Farm should remain asa farm, and the beauty and tranquillity of King’s Cross should remain uninterruptedfrom industrial forestry operations.

Our press work also continues, so keep an eye out in the local press, and pleasespread the word about the campaign – we will continue to place updates on ourwebsite as we receive more information: https://www.friendsofkingscross.co.uk/With our best regards


Friends of King's Cross



NEWSFLASH: FLS buys Brodick Timber Yard

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